Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Throng Greets Heroes

A throng estimated at 15,000 greets us at the end of our ride. A brass band played as we arrived at Bill's house. My brother Bill is in the foreground next to me. He rode with us the last four days, and led me for much of the time when I was tired.

All right!!! Way to go. Now how about some statistics: How many miles. Average miles/day (including/not including) rest days. How many raindrops absorbed through the skin (does that change your need for hydration?). How many mph (including/not including) overnights and rest days. Etc.
(oops. forgot to sign it.)
Bob Lipsinski
How many tires. How many repairs needed.
How many butterflies.

and now David continues the journey solo to the Atlantic

I want to know how many rest days in Dearborn David is taking and if Bill and Jeff are going to spend a few days riding with him to keep him company on his last leg of the trip?

WELCOME HOME! WELL DONE! I wish I could have been there -- big hugs to all of you for making your dream come true and letting us participate in a small way. Best of luck to David as he goes on to the coast.
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