Thursday, October 12, 2006

This is David Sklar posting an update on my continuing journey to New Haven, (really Guilford) CT. After one and a half glorious days off in Dearborn I rented a car and drove across Canada from Detroit to Niagra Falls, NY. I spent the next morning planning a route, visiting the falls, and returning the car. That afternoon I rode, mostly along the Erie Canal towpath, about 50 miles to Albion. Continuing along the towpath the next morning I reached Fairport (southeast of Rochester) where I took route 96 to a motel in Victor.

I next rode route 96 to Waterville and then took US route 20 east to Seneca Falls and visited the National Womens Rights Park. Riding along the tops of the Finger Lakes was a pleasant rolling hills ride, but after lunch in Skaneateles ("skinny atlas" to the locals) it turned brutal. The thirty-five miles to Cazenovia consisted of an endless series of very steep, 500 to 1000 foot, climbs. The 85 mile day included the toughest climbing since Monarch Pass. The 50 mile day to Richfield Springs also included alot of climbs, but not as steep or as high as the previous day. The hills continued yesterday (a 65 mile day) until 12 miles west of Albany where highway 20 finally descended to the Hudson river valley.

Today is my fifth day off in fifty days. My brother, Mark, will arrive (sans corporate jet) with his driver (my nephew, Craig) who will take our bags to Great Barrington, MA. Even this limited support is very welcome; I really miss being spoiled by Steve, Tom, Dick, and Peggy. I hope to post a final update by Monday 10/16.

This posting is brought to you courtesy of the SUNY Albany Science Library.

Hi David, good to hear from you. Five rest days in fifty days might not be something to brag about! I bet you miss the support, and perhaps the company of your cohorts. It is a good time to be in New England. If you see some good foliage color, take some pictures for me! I miss autumn in New England; the reds are so striking! Judy
I spoke to Mark and Craig en route to you yesterday. I guess you and Mark are riding to Great Barrington as I write this.

Enjoy the ride. Enjoy the fall colors.

Post fall colors and Erie Canal pictures if you are able from Mark's house.

So will you call this coast to coast upon arrival in Guilford? or will you have to touch the Atlantic? Your total mileage is already far in excess of the coast to coast distance on interstate hwys.

Your many fans are amazed and amused!
Go David! I hope you have stayed ahead of the snowstorm. I worried about whether we might hit snow in the Rockies but it never occurred to me you might run into it in New York in mid October. Tom
Hey David - totally awesome! I am one of the amazed and amused... though I'm not sure why I'm amused. Can't wait to hear your stories. Marti
Sounds like an awesome ride. I have hought of you and all that snow. Getting past Buffalo to the north may have been the way to go.

Any fall colors left?
Best Wishes
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