Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Back home -- still riding

I returned from the bike trip feeling strong, calm, and happy. After a week's rest I put the bike together and went for a ride on one of my usual courses. It was effortless. I felt so good that I got immersed in ideas for continuing riding and training. I had been thinking about a "fixie" - a bike with only one gear, no shifters, and no freewheel. I tried one out and really enjoyed the challenge; almost everything about it is different from everyday bike riding. It takes concentration and effort, but you are rewarded with direct involvement in what the bike is doing at all times. I bought the pretty red thing pictured here, and have managed to ride it a couple of times without injury to myself or others. It's a lot like spinning as a training device, but on the road instead of going to the gym.

The Recorder is the daily newspaper for San Francisco lawyers. Since lawyers comprise most of the San Francisco population, its a pretty big paper. For some reason, they thought my adventure would interest other lawyers, and they did a nice article which appeared yesterday. They came out to the house - insisted on a picture with bike and gear. Here is one of the pictures they printed. I liked the teaser on page one of the paper. It read:
"Tour de Michigan
No Pyrenees. But litigator Jeffrey Shopoff logged more miles than the pros in France on his ride. To Dearborn."

Jeff & David,

I read the posts from your trip. What a journey! Congratulations on riding across America.

By the way, I noticed that we've ridden in some of the same places... Erie Canal Towpath, Niagara Falls, Escalante hogback in Utah. Monarch Pass... so I have a good feel for what you experienced. Well done, guys.

Larry Lagarde
Urging bicycling for recreation, commuting, health and a better future.
Congratulations on a fantastic ride and such informative posts! Good to see you back in San Francisco safe and sound and looking terrific. The Golden Eagle continues to soar.
Living in San Fran and buying a bike with no gears or spinner is a litte twisted you know?

Ken O'Hare
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