Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Monarchs and The Missouri

For the past two days we have been in the thick of the Monarch butterfly migration. Yesterday they were constant all day long. Not dense, but there were always several in view, headed south. Today seems to be the stragglers; fewer, some seemed disabled, and some were not headed south.

We crossed the Missouri at noontoday at Glasgow, MO and had lunch on the river bank on the far side, shown above. We are all very tired; the Missouri hills have been difficult and we have been doing long miles. We all felt a sense of relief and accomplshment at this milestone.

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Time for another rest day, or do you have "horse to the barn" syndrome? Hope you can coast "downhill" much of the way now (after all those mountains, you deserve it!).
Can't believe the riders who conquered the Sierra Nevada, the Ridge and Basin territory, the Utah Canyonlands, and the Rockies, including the Continental Divide could possibly be tired out by the Missouri hills. Sounds like you may be looking for too much daily speed and\or mileage. A case of "get-there-itis" perhaps? Take care of yourselves and rein it in a little if that's what your bodies are telling you to do. We're still thinking of you.

Tom and Judy
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