Tuesday, August 29, 2006


View from the porch at Middlegate

Hi Bill and Jeff,

I'm jealous! The place you stayed in last night was a step up from my army days. Good luck today and stay cool.
I've been hearing about those sore bottoms. How can that be? With all the TITS you had before you left, I would have thought you'd be fine.

Hi Guys, Just spoke to my friend in Frisco, Co. to see how close you guys would be coming to him. He said your route is way south of him ....he's west of Denver. Been trying to figure out how to use this blog business and hope this reaches you. Let me know. When your butts get real sore maybe they will be numb and you won't even feel them. Heard there's a direct flight from Denver airport to Detroit. No carry on bikes though.

The road warriers' song in one stanza

spinning wheels
dust and effort
bottom sore
mind's reflection unbound
then sleeping soundly
the bed still rocking to the rythm of the road
Hope you guys are enjoying the mountain scenery. We (Peg and Jess)will be waiting for you in Colorado!
I wish I could be there to help you guys!! What you really need is a professional sponsor team to keep you going. Someone who wants to promote long term endurance, like Energizer,or Gatorade or like ....Viagra. Just a thought. Hope all is going well.

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