Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Ode to Steve

I had a picture for this, but until then, here is the story. Brother Steve is our Hero. Steve has been supporting us since Davis. Steve fills our water bottles. Steve drives ahead of us on the road and makes sure we have food and drink. He gives us appropriate encouragement without unwanted chatter. He carries our bags in the car so that we have a chance of getting over these mountains; he makes sure that we are hydrated so that we won't bonk in the desert. He finds a motel at the end of the day, and has beer and chips ready when we arrive.

Steve is an ultra runner, and he understands support. When you drive across Nevada at 12 miles an hour, it leaves time available. So Steve has been driving ahead to the top of the next pass, running down to meet us, and then running to the top with us. Today, approaching a pass in the middle of nowhere, Steve on foot and I on bike were neck and neck, though he was threatening to pull ahead. A lone truck came over the crest from the other direction, and I thought the driver must be wondering what this sport is called.

Steve leaves us after today to return to work, and we are soberly reflecting on how much he has meant to the successful start of this trip. We could not have gotten this far without him. Tomorrow we face 64 miles of desert, ending in by far the steepest climb we have faced so far. Now we are on our own, and have to carry not only our bags, but 4 to 5 litres of water each to get through the empty desert. We think we are ready. Thanks, Steve.

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