Monday, August 28, 2006


Minden Nevada

Day 3 was a big success. From Pollock Pines we climbed more than 4500 feet to cross the Sierra Nevada at Carson Pass. The photo is at the start of our climb up the Mormon Emigrant Trail. It was Sunday and we were accompanied by a large group of serious cyclists from Sacramento who went up and down while we went up. After the summit we had a 30 mile downhill to Minden through the beautiful Carson river valley. Each day we have had a beautiful road.
I am learning something about this blog. First, it takes me a long time to type this report on my phone. Second, taking pictures with the phone is not the same as with a camera. We have a large collection of bad pictures. Third is that connection is not dependable. Finally, I get prettytired and don't really want to do anything else. I will try to give regular reports of where we are, but the stirring narrative will wait for a real keyboard.

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