Saturday, August 26, 2006


Folsom California

Had a great first day to Sacramento. Posted the Departure picture while on the ferry to Vallejo. Riding from Vallejo was rolling, along the Bay, past the Mothball Fleet, then after Red Rock, north of I-80 on Pleasants Valley Road and north to Winters. Orchards, ranches, and quiet so different from the interstate we are used to. Brother Steve joined us just before Davis and took our panniers (saddlebags) so that the riding became much easier. Arrived in Sacramento about 5pm, at the home of Mark Merin and wife Kathleen. Mark and I started out as lawyers together 35 years ago in San Francisco. Their home is in the center of Sacramento, and they treated us to excellent food, fine wine, and stimulating conversation. They have set a high standard for our evenings to come.

We rode 30 miles before breakfast this am and now having breakfast in Folsom with our hosts from last night.

Hi, Jeff, What a ride you have planned! Colorado should make for great scenery. Kathy P sent me an e-mail about your blog. I'm looking forward to following you 3 across the country. "the girl next door"
Beth Dieringer.
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