Friday, August 25, 2006



We're off. Here we are about to board the ferry from San Francisco to Vallejo, with the Bay Bridge and Treasure Island in the background. Two of our supporters came out to see us off: Josh and Max. They would be in the picture but they were camera shy. Josh is starting kindergarten at Claire Lilienthall next week, and Frank is his teacher. Frank was there when Greg and Max started in 1984. Josh and Max were doing laps around the Ferry Building, but they declined the invitation to accompany us to Detroit.

Godspeed -- may the wind be at your backs, and the rain fall only at night. Have a great time!
--Rhonda Cardwell, Dearborn, MI
This is my first attempt to post to a blog, so the first wish I have is that this message gets communicated. My second wish (really my first, if truth be told) is that your journey this August/September is at least as wonderful as my highly romanticized notion of it. I got a smile just thinking about your beginning this morning. The picture of you 3, with the bridge and Treasure Island in the background, fit my storybook impression. May the sights be magnificent and the distractions diminimus.
Go for it! Ralph and I wish each of you all the best on this trip. We have been trying to figure how to send this message and, I hope, have just figured out how to do it. keep those pedals to the metal - a long way to go and a short time to get there. Enjoy. Best of luck and be safe.

Gary & Tamiko and Ralph & Kazue
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