Thursday, August 17, 2006


Begining in San Francisco

We start from San Francisco on Friday, August 25, 2006. (I figured out how to take a photo from the net. I need to learn how to use my own camera before we start.)
My companions are my brother-in-law Bill Poceta, from Dearborn, Michigan, and David Sklar from San Francisco. We have all ridden together over the years, but this will be by far our longest trip.

Good luck Jeff, Bill and David!!! We look forward to reading your blog as you make your way back to Detroit. Best regards, John and Sandy Zawacki
Good Luck. I will be keeping an eye on you.

Steve Quinlan
Dave, et al.,

What an adventure! I was looking at your itinerary with envy. I've been to some of the places you've been. The road to Austin (NV) is a lonely road. And hot. And miles between services. Good luck there. The road from Blanding to Hanksville is one of the most beautiful roads in America. Right up there with 395 from Lee Vining to Lone Pine. Good luck, no flats, no injuries.


TL Ginn
Well, there is no turning back now.
Have a great trip. We'll be thinking of you and watching your web site.
Be safe!

Teresa Stu and the Boys
Wow-Sounds great so far. You guys are my idols!! Keep up the good WORK, and remember Bill.....DFU.
I'll be checking in on you. Be safe.
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